Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is it wrong to love it too much?

I'm in love with this drawing.
I can't help it, every time I see it I just want to reach in and scoop this little precious thing up and hold it, pet it, feed it and make it feel loved! But alas, it's on paper so I can only view and enjoy. I sketched it out in pencil, went over the key lines with a waterproof ink and then added color with watercolors. It's called a Bewick's Wren and I see them often hanging out with sparrows and house finches often in the backyard. I have enjoyed them so much because they are so cute!
Since I enjoyed this so much I made one for a friend of mine for his birthday and then drew out another.
This time I cut it out and applied it to a mixed media piece. This is one of those where I wood burned a branch over a background of leaves and stained the board. The paper square in the bottom right is actually a piece of metal covered in paper. I wood burned around it to make an attempt at depth. If I knew how I would have 'carved out' the space and sunk the metal into the board. I made the magnets too which was simple. Those are so easy; just paint a little picture cut out a circle and paste onto the back of one of those glass dots made to be accents in topiary and cut flower arrangements. For the final bit of interest, I used an extra large embossing crystal. I think they are supposed to be melted in a pot and then from what I have read, pour the substance into a form to make clear embellishments. But, I didn't use it that way. Attempting to place them on the leaves, some places it worked and other places not so much but then heated the crystals and the way they melted made it appear as if it were dew on the leaves. So I was happy with that experiment. I think it turned out well and it makes me happy!
Experimenting can turn out some cool stuff don't ya think!?!

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest picture. So realistic. Kitsy and I were just watching them feeding on the black sunflower seeds.
