Monday, March 5, 2012

fishy, fishy

I know, I need to do more. More art work, perhaps less job searching! The job searching thing is bringing me down, way down. 
But I have some artwork to post so that makes me feel happier :) 
I worked on a piece for my husband for Valentines day which took quite a while to do but since he was out of town for the weekend, I was able to work on it freely! It is one of the most detailed pieces I have done. I thought the heron on the bookshelf was intense but this took the place of that intensity! 
Here's a picture of 'in the beginning' : 
It's a Salmon by the way.... 
                    And now for the finish.... 

It has a bit of a shine on it in this photo but I did put a finish just on the burned image, hopefully you can still see the details!  
More to come shortly! 

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