Monday, December 5, 2011


Wow, the weekend is gone already? Here in Portland we are experiencing a spell of cold but no rain! Joy!!! Ok, perhaps its a groovy thing that I am enjoying but in terms of futures it is probably not such a good thing; snow pack = water for the summer months. But I have to admit I have really been digging the sun and being able to enjoy the backyard.
I am totally guilty of getting lost in the backyard. Not that it is oh so big but because it's sooooo enjoyable! And it was so active over the weekend. All kinds of birds visited and honestly they bring me such joy!! It's like having a flock of friends :) The backyard is where I gain A LOT of inspiration for the art work I have been working on for the Big 200 which opens December 10th at Pioneer Place Mall. I managed to take a few pictures for when it's rainy and I can't get out to enjoy the birds like I like to!
This one is the Golden Crown Sparrow... any wonder why? Hee hee!!

And here is one of my favorite subjects - the Hummingbird! Anna's Hummingbirds stay in Portland year round so I keep feeders out year round! I pull in at least one feeder at night and return it in the morning, it has been getting colder and colder overnight and I would hate for them to wake up and have frozen food for breakfast! (that and I worry, I mean in the Christmas Story that kid gets his tongue stuck to a pole... hummingbirds have long tongues and I wouldn't want to see one get stuck to a feeder!!)
So I had promised a few more pict's of the works done for the art show, now you have a glimpse of what inspires here's a few more of the 8x8's -
Hummingbird and flower; wood burned and then painted

Song Sparrows in flight

Nuthatch on a tree, I love the background on this one too!!

Another Hummingbird; wood burned and then painted.

I will save the others until next time, don't want to blow out all the picts in one post!!
These are the little ones that inspire me to attempt to capture the small joys and pleasure that comes from viewing nature in my backyard. Consider something that brings you small joys that you see everyday and share them with me!
Until next time, enjoy the Sun!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Suzy!
    What a joy for me to see this post! :)
    I love the focus of the first hummingbird and the background behind the nuthatch on a tree.
    My small joy this morning was the beautiful frost!
    Beauty and Wonder abound.
