Wednesday, March 30, 2011

being sick sucks!

So, I managed to catch a cold. Very unusual for me at least for a few years anyway. I attribute it to having company, job searching and a stressful relationship. Having company is AWESOME!! Loved every minute of it but I neglected to take the usual cocktail of vitamin D every night. Job searching is kind of stressful in that these days one doesn't just create a resume and put it out there; now it's create a resume for every job you apply for. That takes time and research, doing this at the employment office opens one up to many, many germs that are not the normal exposure. And lastly, my unemployment puts a lot of stress on the relationship with my husband.  Shake all this up together and it's a recipe for the attack of the local cold that is cruising through Portland at the moment. 
It's hard to have a cold do a job search and try to allow myself the time to do art work. Sleep was definitely on the agenda, and then job searching for hours and hours on end, next was caring for the dog and home obligations. When all that was done I had little energy left to do much of anything. I was well taken care of near the end of the night by my bestest buddy.
Love and warmth were graciously offered. I was thankful for my snuggle bug!! For taking such good care and offering such comfort he got an early visit to day care, and loved it :) 

Before I came down with a dreadful cold I worked diligently on three panels, two are meant to go together and the 3rd is a stand alone. Let's see if I can get them to upload! 

OK well looks like they loaded...Though the colors didn't come out as well in the picture as well as I'd like. I tried to take the photo's outside so the lighting would be better. Perhaps I should work on the colors! 
Back to the drawing board - Pun intended!!! Ha Ha! 
Back on the mends, hopefully back on a regular schedule of writing and creating too! 
Should the opportunity be convenient - would love to know what you think of the above works :) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Morning inspiration...sort of

This picture was taken at 7:30 am, I felt hope. It only takes a few minutes of sun to break through the darkness of a clouded disposition. And I embraced the moment.

But alas, the sun has buried its head
as if to go back to bed
The clouds have encroached again
only to lighten the darkest shades of grey
what about that feeling of hope, of all things possible?
This feeling it will come again my friend
It may not be steady until the month of May
But when it comes, it will be Incredible! 

Patience is a virtue and a test. A virtue is defined as a 'quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is a foundation of principle and good moral being'. I had considered myself a very patient person however, Spring always gives me a test. One that often times I fear the big fat 'F'. When I awake in the morning and there is sun I am full of hope and inspiration! Then the rains come again and it's as if the sky says " Ha- Ha, nana nana boo boo thought it was bright but Who Knew"!! And I feel that sense of anger, like being the kid that classmates played a joke on and there is no one on my side. There's no way to deal with the anger and disappointment so, I sulk. 
This is when I have to dig DEEP. I have spent some time gleaning tools from seminars, workshops and books; tips and techniques to conquer the 'blues'. Some days I have to pull every tool from my tool box of ways to stay positive and sane. Then there are the days I open the box and there are only shreds of paper that I have to work hard to fit together like a puzzle to find the answer. Other times I open the box and it's over flowing with solutions, it's easy. The change of seasons tends to be a challenge in many ways but it is important to embrace change, no one said it would be easy. 
It isn't unexpected it is an evolution taking place- Spring, a new job, getting my art out there; nothing left to do but pull out the tools, get to work, and exercise patience!!!! 
Unless you have a better idea, which I would love to hear!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

in reading, I found it

I am part of an artist group that meets just about every week. There are authors, painters, printers, and crafters with mixed media. We read books to encourage and inspire currently we are reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Last night, unable to sleep I crept downstairs and picked up the book to read further on being happy. In the chapter 'June: Make Time for Friends', I found the perfect description for what I was trying to put into words on the last post.
 "Hearing her voice brought back a lot of memories I'd forgotten; it re energized some part of my brain that had been dormant." (pg.145)
Not only did my visiting friend awaken part of my brain but she also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. I smiled the rest of the day! We attended the Pagan Faire, "Magickal Warriors-- Earth Healers". Thanks to her son working the venue, we arrived to find this is a non-profit organization supporting and celebrating women's spirituality. I found this event to be intriguing and curious and spontaneously fun. 
As we sat on the floor chatting there was an evolution of change going on around us. Props were being set up, children moved back and then the ching, ching of finger symbols flooded the atmosphere. It was time for the Belly dancers!! I was entranced. Their movements so fluid, the various sounds of bells and chimes that adorned the outfits and fingers were energizing. The fact that all types and ages of women were represented with none being self conscious instead they seemed self professing; I am woman hear me ring!! 
I couldn't help but smile, not a pleased to see you smile but a smile that resonated from deep down. The audience was encouraged to hiss at the more sensual moves and to preform Zaghareet, a high pitched yell of sorts to express approval for the dance that is being preformed. I tried but felt intimidated, so many times I wanted to bust out and yell but reserved my right to do so more that I did. I think it's that part of me that has been dormant for so long that the cork remained wedged well in my throat despite the urge to let loose! 
What a weekend of reacquaintance in so many ways. I am feeling encouraged to take steps to  get out there; breathe in, let go and rediscover. Who knows - perhaps I will even try belly dancing!! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Visitors from a far...

I am totally psyched to have my friend and her son for a visit! She's here from VA and it's been a total kick in the pants to see her again. I tried to think back to the last time we saw each other after going back 15 years I gave up trying to pin point it and just enjoy the company. Sometimes in life you come across certain people where it really doesn't matter when the last time you saw each other or spoke; some folks you can pick up right where you left off with out skipping a beat. 

It's nice to have that sense of familiarity, that energy, it's almost like an AH- HA moment. Or a sort of awakening back to a former peculiar state.  I see now more clearly that I have put up barriers and have probably been denying myself all the while. It's not the denying of life's enjoyments of chocolate or tasty treats more to the tune of excluding myself from the music of life. I don't make a point to delve into the symphony and examine the instruments but rather have just been listening to the tune as I pass by hoping no one will notice.

Well now that this discovery has come about, perhaps it's time I stretch even further and find an instrument and make some noise! 
We'll see what happens next, any suggestions or ways you know to stretch out of the familiar and/ or make some noise??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Thinking

It has been a long day of rain. The weatherman says we might see a dry day come Monday. 

I know that life here isn't as bad as other's have it around the world with the wars and natural disasters occurring daily and really I should think outside the box I dwell in. Times like these, when I am feeling blue (or gray) I think is when being mindful of all the things I am grateful for comes in handy. Perhaps I should fill a jar with pieces of paper with the gratitude's written on them so when I am blue, I can pull out a piece at a time and recite out loud what I am grateful for. 
Hummmm, I like that idea! 
I am grateful for: 
a forgiving God, terrific husband, great pup, happy kitties, playful turtles, a house to live in, wonderful family, wonderful group of women I get to see most every Saturday, Birds, art supplies! the opportunity to look for a career, pretty good health, great attitude, spell check
Wow, I am feeling better already! 
Does anyone else ever make a list to get themselves in a better mood? Sure does help! 

Monday, March 14, 2011


Amidst all the turmoil of recent events it's hard to think beyond the devastation. Though after seeing interviews with several Japanese who were able to muster a smile, I had to think hopeful thoughts. 
Days and days of rain and the forecast shows nothing but rain for the next 10 days. However, what the weather people fail to show is the forecast of sun breaks! Where the dark clouds that shield the earth from the heavenly rays split for a moment or two and allow inspiration and a feeling of hope to grace the soul. It doesn't take long for the feeling of doom and gloom to be replaced by a glimmer of hope with just a few minutes of sunshine. Likewise I can only hope that those folks in Japan and in New Zealand are able to glean hope from the sun and feel the prayers that have been directed their way. 

A sun break above the yard, for those who aren't sure what a sun break is :) Just enough to make me hopeful and looking forward to Spring. What makes you feel hopeful during the doldrums between Winter and Spring?? 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bouncy, Bounce!

I made a cup of tea to go with me to the park yesterday, the paper tab that hangs from the string read "Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life" Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928).  I thought this was appropriate seeing as it was my birthday and all. Then on Face Book a friend commented that it 'seemed like last night that we were playing spotlight in your backyard'.  This brought forth a flood of memories from those carefree days of kid-hood. Those evenings that were spent playing spotlight, hop-scotch, and one of my most favorite memories - 4 Square! We played 4 square for hours at a time all summer long, ah youth I had sooooo much more energy back then and other kids to play with. 
About the time the Jane Fonda workouts became popular my mom bought in and got the workout album complete with pages of images showing how to do the moves. Shortly there after a mini trampoline was introduced to the house. Oh boy what fun that was. In the fall, winter and spring when running about with my friends was limited that trampoline was a saving grace place for extra energy that needed burning off. I grew older, interests changed, friendships transitioned and the trampoline became a dog bed. 
Recently my gym membership ran out, I didn't really use it and being unemployed couldn't justify that expense. I did see an ad in the Sunday paper some weeks ago and there was the trampoline! "Wow they still make those"I thought and then got really excited.  I mentioned that I had gone online looking for one of these trampolines to my husband and last night I unwrapped the Perfect gift for me!! 

Check it out! It is the new improved Trampoline (I am saying improved rather than admitting that the bands will be used to help stabilize this old body). 
I did receive several nice gifts for my birthday but I must say becoming a Tigger again is something I am really excited about. Is there something that reminds you of kid-hood fun? I hope you can take a moment to remember a little something fun and let it inspire you. As for me... Let the Bouncing Begin!!! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm coming out! Put your Party Hat On!!

It's my birthday today! What better day to greet the world with a Blog than today?! I have thought about beginning a blog several times over the last year and since I have turned over into a new decade, why not step out of the comfort zone and go for it! 
A bit about me: I am an artist (that's my painting you see above), I am a wife and a caregiver for two cats, a dog and two turtles. Currently unemployed with high hopes of that changing soon, but in the mean time, I enjoy doing art works and taking walks (weather permitting). I live in Portland, Oregon where it rains a lot of the year and its gray skies but green everything else is the backdrop of my life. Though I have always found simple things in life to bring a lot of joy; living here has made modest joys seem generous. 
My profile picture is a classic example. Just a yawn but captured at the perfect moment which makes me giggle every time I look at it! By the way this is Rabbit one of the two cats that enrich my existence on this crazy planet we call Earth.  
Speaking of crazy places, as mentioned, I live in Portland, Oregon. The Independent Film Channel has a show which 'spoofs' many of the quirky aspects of this town. One of my favorite spotlights is the "Put a Bird on it" episode.  (the link for your viewing pleasure) I thought I might take a moment to give an explanation for putting birds on things, painting birds and the like. Portland is a gray place and a lot of time is spent in the rain causing many to spend much of their time indoors or well covered when outside. There is a necessity to connect with nature and the most readily available creatures to enjoy are right outside a window, viewed from a porch, and are always out and about even in the rain - Birds!! They are everywhere and in all shapes and sizes and thankfully they don't mind the rain. Even if you don't have a feeder to lure them in, little finches and sparrows are hopping around in the bushes and in the trees tweeting little songs to welcome the day. I find great inspiration from the little birds, braving the cold rain and wind to wake up and face another day with a song none the less!  So, why not pay homage to these simple joyful creatures and put a bird on the ordinary everyday things?:)
From Finches to Raptors, there are many birds to be amazed over and appreciate every day. Who doesn't find a little finch hopping around chirping and pecking for crumbs whilst at an outdoor cafe too cute?! Or find total amazement at the size of the Bald Eagle flying above; the stillness of the Heron standing like a statue? 
Birds are like the shadows of ourselves, they are all around but how much attention do you really give them? Perhaps pause a moment in the busyness of the day and enjoy the simple song.