Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Thinking

It has been a long day of rain. The weatherman says we might see a dry day come Monday. 

I know that life here isn't as bad as other's have it around the world with the wars and natural disasters occurring daily and really I should think outside the box I dwell in. Times like these, when I am feeling blue (or gray) I think is when being mindful of all the things I am grateful for comes in handy. Perhaps I should fill a jar with pieces of paper with the gratitude's written on them so when I am blue, I can pull out a piece at a time and recite out loud what I am grateful for. 
Hummmm, I like that idea! 
I am grateful for: 
a forgiving God, terrific husband, great pup, happy kitties, playful turtles, a house to live in, wonderful family, wonderful group of women I get to see most every Saturday, Birds, art supplies! the opportunity to look for a career, pretty good health, great attitude, spell check
Wow, I am feeling better already! 
Does anyone else ever make a list to get themselves in a better mood? Sure does help! 

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