Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's Tuesday and it was a busy weekend and Monday. Funny how when there is so much to do is when I most feel the need to work in the studio. Kind of like I am inspired when I know I can't get in there and when I have time, I can create so many other tasks that need to be done. I think that comes from feeling guilty that I am not working to bring in an income right now. (so if you want to buy any of the below pieces - let me know! :) )
 I need to make time to make art. I have read books on the subject but reading doesn't make it happen, only applying the techniques does something get accomplished. 
I have been trying to hold back from buying art supplies due to the lack of income. My husband bought me a Michael's gift card for my birthday which I use when the coupon comes out, but I try hard not to be frivolous and go for only what I need. Yesterday after an hour + interview I was near the Michael's at the airport; since I had been looking for a particular nib for the wood burning tool, I stopped in. Amazingly enough, they had the nib I had been waiting for but it was in a pack of other nibs so it was a bit spendy - but I had the coupon so - Jackpot!! That one little tool was the inspiration for a lot of work beginning last night and into the morning. So, the work has begun and with the plans on the calendar for the next few days I will be busy with the job search but I have inspiration and motivation to put it all together eventually.  
Here's what I started last night/this morning:

This is how the panels start out with the wood burning, then I add color and I will post a few of those that I finished recently. 

Hope you enjoy, have a Great Tuesday!!! 

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