Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where'd it go??

It's Thursday already...almost Friday??? Wow! Where did the week go? Usually when my husband is away on business the weeks seem to drag on however, this week seems to have flown by. Job searching in the mornings tends to go into the afternoons which I suppose is where many hours have gone. Then there is the little zoo I have to care for, but eve that doesn't seem so bad this time. Mostly being stuck inside due to crazy rain and wind though Karluk and I have been lucky enough to catch breaks in the rain to go get some exercise. There was a day and a half of another day where it was good to be outside and I was able to go and get some plants to pretty up the back yard. Whew! I needed some color to brighten up the scenery. Perhaps those plants will make it into their designated spots this weekend! Maybe I will be lucky enough to have some sun to plant in...Hope, Hope!! 
In the mean time I did work on another owl wood burning but it took quite a while to undertake this one, it's very detailed but felt very good to stand back and feel good about the work. 
Of course, I haven't done anything for the back ground but I may just stain the work and call it good. I like the wood grain and the stain will make that stand out a bit more. I did another one for my mom, I am not sure if I like it or not.
This has a light paint everywhere except the cardinals which have a nice dose of red. 
What do you think?? 


  1. I LOVE the owl- great detail and texture. Happy Thursday Suzy :)

  2. Great owl Suzy! Really nice work. Those cardinals really pop, too. Your mom will love it :)
