Thursday, April 7, 2011


I went to two different workshops yesterday relating to unemployment. The first was at the unemployment office and the second was at PSU. The first one was using the Holland Code to determine where one's interest lay to align the career search to the proper field. The only problem with that is where most of my interest lay, there are no jobs. As far as what can I do; the counselor said "the great thing about you, you can do anything and excel. The difficult part is finding what will make you happy." Well, that was kind and I agree; I can do any job and do it extremely well but, it really didn't help with a direction. 
The Oregon Worksource office did give more techniques on the job search and how to research companies etc. If anyone needs tips, let me know - I am gaining knowledge and search skills like crazy! 
So the second workshop was put on by PSU it was called Leading Transitions. Awesome facilitator, Paul Spindel lead us through a process of understanding change and how to be at peace with it and make it work for you. Hummm... should have had this in February! 
Of course there's the normal flow that comes with change be it a death in the family, a separation, or a job change. There's shock, anger, denial, depressed feelings, blame and then acceptance. From the point of acceptance is where change begins; solve problems, make decisions, take action and find new vision. Well, I didn't have the shock, anger, or denial really and the blame system wasn't active either. I knew the layoff was coming. If I was angry etc. it was only because I thought that for the department I was in had already lost enough folks and I felt we didn't have room to lose another. As the HR manager had said to me and many others 'if you're not happy here go somewhere else'. I wasn't unhappy to leave that. 
I am joyful to be able to embark on the rest of the cycle; I love solving problems, making decisions, taking action and finding a vision. I am excited for this part and it felt so validating to be around others who needed to hear the same message. Quit rolling in the past, you can't change what happened yesterday, last week, last month etc. Today is a new day time for a new plan!! 
Paul laid it out simply and was so excited about his message that it was rejuvenating. It was explained that yes, this is and these are stressful times and if you are out of work in this economy it probably feels even worse but it's OK. Being stressed out isn't going to help you instead it will hurt you. Who wants to hire someone who's sleep deprived, depressed or outwardly stressed out - no one! The message is simple; 
Make Peace with Change
Take Care of Yourself
Don't assume the world is out to get you
Focus on what is in your control - REALLY in YOUR control
Don't waste energy on what is not in your control
Establish a support system
Help others 

And as my husband would agree on - GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! 
Going for a walk - Have a lovely day, embrace change - it's good for you :) 

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