Wednesday, March 30, 2011

being sick sucks!

So, I managed to catch a cold. Very unusual for me at least for a few years anyway. I attribute it to having company, job searching and a stressful relationship. Having company is AWESOME!! Loved every minute of it but I neglected to take the usual cocktail of vitamin D every night. Job searching is kind of stressful in that these days one doesn't just create a resume and put it out there; now it's create a resume for every job you apply for. That takes time and research, doing this at the employment office opens one up to many, many germs that are not the normal exposure. And lastly, my unemployment puts a lot of stress on the relationship with my husband.  Shake all this up together and it's a recipe for the attack of the local cold that is cruising through Portland at the moment. 
It's hard to have a cold do a job search and try to allow myself the time to do art work. Sleep was definitely on the agenda, and then job searching for hours and hours on end, next was caring for the dog and home obligations. When all that was done I had little energy left to do much of anything. I was well taken care of near the end of the night by my bestest buddy.
Love and warmth were graciously offered. I was thankful for my snuggle bug!! For taking such good care and offering such comfort he got an early visit to day care, and loved it :) 

Before I came down with a dreadful cold I worked diligently on three panels, two are meant to go together and the 3rd is a stand alone. Let's see if I can get them to upload! 

OK well looks like they loaded...Though the colors didn't come out as well in the picture as well as I'd like. I tried to take the photo's outside so the lighting would be better. Perhaps I should work on the colors! 
Back to the drawing board - Pun intended!!! Ha Ha! 
Back on the mends, hopefully back on a regular schedule of writing and creating too! 
Should the opportunity be convenient - would love to know what you think of the above works :) 

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