Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm coming out! Put your Party Hat On!!

It's my birthday today! What better day to greet the world with a Blog than today?! I have thought about beginning a blog several times over the last year and since I have turned over into a new decade, why not step out of the comfort zone and go for it! 
A bit about me: I am an artist (that's my painting you see above), I am a wife and a caregiver for two cats, a dog and two turtles. Currently unemployed with high hopes of that changing soon, but in the mean time, I enjoy doing art works and taking walks (weather permitting). I live in Portland, Oregon where it rains a lot of the year and its gray skies but green everything else is the backdrop of my life. Though I have always found simple things in life to bring a lot of joy; living here has made modest joys seem generous. 
My profile picture is a classic example. Just a yawn but captured at the perfect moment which makes me giggle every time I look at it! By the way this is Rabbit one of the two cats that enrich my existence on this crazy planet we call Earth.  
Speaking of crazy places, as mentioned, I live in Portland, Oregon. The Independent Film Channel has a show which 'spoofs' many of the quirky aspects of this town. One of my favorite spotlights is the "Put a Bird on it" episode.  (the link for your viewing pleasure) I thought I might take a moment to give an explanation for putting birds on things, painting birds and the like. Portland is a gray place and a lot of time is spent in the rain causing many to spend much of their time indoors or well covered when outside. There is a necessity to connect with nature and the most readily available creatures to enjoy are right outside a window, viewed from a porch, and are always out and about even in the rain - Birds!! They are everywhere and in all shapes and sizes and thankfully they don't mind the rain. Even if you don't have a feeder to lure them in, little finches and sparrows are hopping around in the bushes and in the trees tweeting little songs to welcome the day. I find great inspiration from the little birds, braving the cold rain and wind to wake up and face another day with a song none the less!  So, why not pay homage to these simple joyful creatures and put a bird on the ordinary everyday things?:)
From Finches to Raptors, there are many birds to be amazed over and appreciate every day. Who doesn't find a little finch hopping around chirping and pecking for crumbs whilst at an outdoor cafe too cute?! Or find total amazement at the size of the Bald Eagle flying above; the stillness of the Heron standing like a statue? 
Birds are like the shadows of ourselves, they are all around but how much attention do you really give them? Perhaps pause a moment in the busyness of the day and enjoy the simple song.  


  1. Happy Birthday !
    Thanks for the reminder to pause and enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
