Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bouncy, Bounce!

I made a cup of tea to go with me to the park yesterday, the paper tab that hangs from the string read "Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life" Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928).  I thought this was appropriate seeing as it was my birthday and all. Then on Face Book a friend commented that it 'seemed like last night that we were playing spotlight in your backyard'.  This brought forth a flood of memories from those carefree days of kid-hood. Those evenings that were spent playing spotlight, hop-scotch, and one of my most favorite memories - 4 Square! We played 4 square for hours at a time all summer long, ah youth I had sooooo much more energy back then and other kids to play with. 
About the time the Jane Fonda workouts became popular my mom bought in and got the workout album complete with pages of images showing how to do the moves. Shortly there after a mini trampoline was introduced to the house. Oh boy what fun that was. In the fall, winter and spring when running about with my friends was limited that trampoline was a saving grace place for extra energy that needed burning off. I grew older, interests changed, friendships transitioned and the trampoline became a dog bed. 
Recently my gym membership ran out, I didn't really use it and being unemployed couldn't justify that expense. I did see an ad in the Sunday paper some weeks ago and there was the trampoline! "Wow they still make those"I thought and then got really excited.  I mentioned that I had gone online looking for one of these trampolines to my husband and last night I unwrapped the Perfect gift for me!! 

Check it out! It is the new improved Trampoline (I am saying improved rather than admitting that the bands will be used to help stabilize this old body). 
I did receive several nice gifts for my birthday but I must say becoming a Tigger again is something I am really excited about. Is there something that reminds you of kid-hood fun? I hope you can take a moment to remember a little something fun and let it inspire you. As for me... Let the Bouncing Begin!!! 

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