Monday, March 21, 2011

in reading, I found it

I am part of an artist group that meets just about every week. There are authors, painters, printers, and crafters with mixed media. We read books to encourage and inspire currently we are reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Last night, unable to sleep I crept downstairs and picked up the book to read further on being happy. In the chapter 'June: Make Time for Friends', I found the perfect description for what I was trying to put into words on the last post.
 "Hearing her voice brought back a lot of memories I'd forgotten; it re energized some part of my brain that had been dormant." (pg.145)
Not only did my visiting friend awaken part of my brain but she also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. I smiled the rest of the day! We attended the Pagan Faire, "Magickal Warriors-- Earth Healers". Thanks to her son working the venue, we arrived to find this is a non-profit organization supporting and celebrating women's spirituality. I found this event to be intriguing and curious and spontaneously fun. 
As we sat on the floor chatting there was an evolution of change going on around us. Props were being set up, children moved back and then the ching, ching of finger symbols flooded the atmosphere. It was time for the Belly dancers!! I was entranced. Their movements so fluid, the various sounds of bells and chimes that adorned the outfits and fingers were energizing. The fact that all types and ages of women were represented with none being self conscious instead they seemed self professing; I am woman hear me ring!! 
I couldn't help but smile, not a pleased to see you smile but a smile that resonated from deep down. The audience was encouraged to hiss at the more sensual moves and to preform Zaghareet, a high pitched yell of sorts to express approval for the dance that is being preformed. I tried but felt intimidated, so many times I wanted to bust out and yell but reserved my right to do so more that I did. I think it's that part of me that has been dormant for so long that the cork remained wedged well in my throat despite the urge to let loose! 
What a weekend of reacquaintance in so many ways. I am feeling encouraged to take steps to  get out there; breathe in, let go and rediscover. Who knows - perhaps I will even try belly dancing!! 

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